Day Care

10 Amazing Facts about Dogs

Here are 10 fun and amazing facts about dogs: 1. Dogs Can Understand Human Words: Studies show that dogs can recognize up to 165 words or more, and some highly trained dogs know up to 1,000 words! 2. They Can Smell 40 Times Better Than Humans: Dogs have around 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, compared to humans’ 6 [...]

2024-10-10T15:00:43+11:00October 10th, 2024|Categories: Day Care, Hounds on Heels|

Terms and Conditions

Hounds On Heels Doggy Day Care and Dog Walking ABN 19 067 368 825 This Agreement This agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein, and supersedes all prior negotiations, agreements and understandings between the parties. Your acceptance of this agreement is constituted by signing this agreement below, and subsequent submission of [...]

2024-10-10T15:00:57+11:00October 10th, 2024|Categories: Day Care, Hounds on Heels|

Here are the top 10 things your dog will get from attending Doggy Daycare !

When your dog attends a quality doggy daycare, they can benefit in numerous ways that contribute to their overall well-being. Here are the top 10 things your dog will get from attending doggy daycare: 1. **Socialization**: Your dog will have the opportunity to interact with other dogs of various breeds, sizes, and temperaments, which helps them develop strong social skills [...]

2024-08-20T14:49:30+10:00August 20th, 2024|Categories: Day Care, Hounds on Heels|

Top 12 Things to Look For in Doggy Day Care Services

When choosing a doggy daycare, it's essential to ensure that your furry friend will be in a safe, healthy, and happy environment. Here are the top 12 things to look for in a doggy daycare: 1. **Ensure your Doggy Day Care service has Council approval** ... many back yard and so called farm stays do not comply and are risky [...]

2024-08-21T08:43:57+10:00August 20th, 2024|Categories: Day Care, Hounds on Heels|

Hounds on Heels Doggy Day Care – All The Details !

  Sydneys Most Spacious and Best Active Dog Day Care Centre Lush bushland setting with 6000 sq metres (slightly larger than a football field) of flat grassed playing area (largest in Sydney by far) Fully DA approved, and accredited by Northern Beaches Council ( note many back yard operator Day Care services do not have this legal requirement) Fully Insured [...]

2025-03-03T10:09:46+11:00April 26th, 2024|Categories: Day Care, Hounds on Heels, News|

Hounds on Heels Doggy Day Care – Site Photos

  Call Jodi Parry on 0411 708 148 or email her at Let us know your details, location, dog breed and detailed request Also check out all the daily Hounds on Heels Day care fun at

2024-04-28T18:00:02+10:00April 26th, 2024|Categories: Day Care, Hounds on Heels, News|

Check out The HOH Day Care Progress on Youtube

Check out all our Day Care build progress on Youtube. We have 12 episodes starting back in August 2022 when there was just a flat piece of land and a bunch of enthusiasm. There is also 30+ Building Updates showing how it was all put together technically. As of today (13/3/2023) we have officially built all the requirements of the [...]

2024-04-28T17:59:55+10:00March 14th, 2023|Categories: Day Care, Hounds on Heels, News|

Doggy Day Care Opening June 2023 – Promo Video   Call Jodi Parry on 0411 708 148 or email her at Let us know your details, location, dog breed and detailed request Also check out all the daily Hounds on Heels Day care fun at

2024-04-28T15:58:38+10:00December 12th, 2022|Categories: Day Care, News|

Day Care Update 7 November 2022 – New Video

Lots going on at 235 Powderworks Road Ingleside ... slab poured, berms planted, weeds out ! Fences, Shed Build, CarPark and Waster water system all planned to be installed pre Xmas. Hope the rains holds off ! Check out the latest Update Video here or use this link  ....  

2024-04-28T15:56:44+10:00November 9th, 2022|Categories: Day Care|
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